In the News

Digital Solutions can make Paper and Expenses Disappear

Local companies that have implemented technology in the workplace have saved money, gained time and made jobs easier.

At the Earl Bacon Agency, the challenge was the insurance firm's records storage. "In the insurance business you are handling a massive amount of paperwork," said Bobby Bacon, president. To store it all, the firm sets aside 3,000 of its 9,000 square feet of office space just for filing cabinets. There's also off site storage at a miniwarehouse.

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New complexes offer affordable housing

Community leaders gathered Wednesday in Brownsville to celebrate the opening of two affordable housing complexes that provide 124 apartments to low-income residents in Pensacola.


Escambia County Commissioner Marie Young spoke at the ceremony outside the Morris Court complex. She said the apartments provide "affordable, but also beautiful" housing for low-income families and senior citizens.

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